Have You Forgotten?

In Genesis 40, we read the account of Joseph interpreting the chief butler’s dream. Pharaoh’s chief baker and butler are put into prison and Joseph notices they are sad. When he asks them why they are so sad, they tell him about their dreams. God gives Joseph the interpretations and Joseph informs the butler that he will be restored to service and the baker that he will be killed. In three days, the interpretations come to pass. When the butler is preparing to leave the prison to resume service unto Pharaoh, Joseph simply asks the butler to remember him and make mention of him.

Amazingly, the butler forgets about Joseph! After all Joseph had done for him, he simply asked in return for the butler to remember him. I am sure as Joseph waited another two years until he was brought before Pharaoh, he must have thought many times about why the butler had forgotten him. It seems to me that the butler has no excuse for forgetting about Joseph. That was the least he could have done after being so helped by Joseph with the meaning of his dream.

Just as the butler forgot Joseph, we sometimes forget Jesus Christ. The One who died for us, has promised to never leave us not forsake us, and asks us to remember Him! I have no explanation for the butler’s blunder, but I must admit that I have no excuse for the times in my life when I lived like I had forgotten about my Savior. The butler went two years living his life and completing forgetting about Joseph. Have you forgotten about the One who did so much for you? Let’s not live today like we have forgotten about our Savior. Let’s remember Him in everything we do and make Him known to as many people as we can.