As I woke up this morning I was grateful as I considered that I serve a God Who does not change. I have His Word, which does not change. I have an eternal home in heaven that is secured by the blood of Jesus Christ. I had the privilege of leading Alex to the Lord yesterday and that decision will never change.

As I consider four more years with our current leadership as a country, I must admit I was hoping for change. But I am reminded this morning that my greatest hope in is my Savior and His power to change lives!

I, as a Christian and a Patriot, am resolved to:

  1. Walk with my God and be closer to Him than ever before.
  2. Pray for my President and other leaders of our nation, that they will seek God’s wisdom in all they do.
  3. Share the Gospel story more than I ever have before.

I certainly cannot change our nation’s leadership but I can share the life-changing story of Christ with anyone I want today and if they choose Him, they will experience a change that is forever!

I submit a great response to last night’s election is to go and share your faith and ask God to change the people you meet from the inside out.