Launching A New Series

1506 Launching a New Series

Properly launching a new teaching series can be a great tool for class growth. Here are a few ideas.

  1. Prayerfully select the new series.

I teach a young couples class and whenever I teach a series on marriage or parenting, it really resonates with our class. Pray about what your class needs and what will help you reach new people.

  1. Create branding for the new series.

This is important. God’s business is the greatest business in the world and it ought to be treated that way. Create a logo for the series and some graphics to use for a promotional postcard to mail, a promotional insert to put in your class bulletin, and for your media like Keynote or PowerPoint and social media.

  1. About a month out, start mentioning it in class and announcing that it is coming. Consider getting a banner that you can display in your classroom promoting the upcoming new series.
  1. About 2 weeks out, begin running the promotional insert for the new series in your class bulletin. Consider listing some of the lesson titles and give a description of what will be covered.
  1. Also about 2 weeks out, connect with your care group leaders and encourage them to connect with everyone in their care group and encourage them to be in attendance on the first week of the new series.
  1. Consider doing a promotional video about the new series that you could show in class, email to class members, and post on social media as well.
  1. About a week out, here are some ideas to help promote the new series…
  • Mail promotional postcard
  • Email promotional video
  • Make personal visits to encourage attendance (take the promotional postcards with you)
  • Call through the class to make sure everyone knows about the new series
  • Text through the class to make sure everyone knows about the new series
  • Post on social media about the new series

While it’s not necessary to do all of these at one time, hopefully this list will provide enough ideas to help you promote your next teaching series in a variety of new ways. If you have another idea or something that has worked well for you, I would love to hear about it and learn from you!